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Friday 9 August 2013

Belly Dance and Health

It is not only fun, but Belly Dance also has a lot of positive effects on your body. It is a potential work out and excellent for burning calories. And the best? You don't even realise it because you are dancing and enjoying it. Check the list below:

1 - Muscle Work -  while you are doing hip drops, ondulations, shimmies and so on (basic Bellydance moves) you are working abdominal, pelvis and gluteus muscles. It helps to improve your posture and tone. You gain more flexibility. But the best thing is that you exercise them in a natural way, using the normal body form and posture. It helps to increase the flow of substances that are good for your joints (synovial fluid, check it on Google). It prevents lower back problems, by the repeated moves of putting your pelvis forward and tucking it in. When you dance, you relieve any stress or tension from your body. There is no better way to relax and have fun!

2 - Improved Posture - It is also great to elongate you body, as you need a right posture to dance beautifuly. Your back muscles get stronger, preventing Lordosis (a back problem).Your arms and hands become smooth and graceful. And you get the exact balance between being strong and delicate.

3 - It gives you energy - when you dance, you become active and less sedentary. Your body releases endorphins, which gives you the feeling of well-being. On top of that, you improve your balance, not only for dancing, but for your daily life, while walking, etc. You feel alive and energetic. In addition, anyone can enjoy Belly Dance, even beginners. So no excuses to stay on the sofa.

4 - Curiosities - It has low impact on the body, which means the risks of injury are minimal when the moves are executed properly. There is no age limit, anyone can belly dance. It helps the process of weight loss. It can burn an average of 250 to 300 calories per hour. Obviously, it will depend on how intense your class is.

Interesting, isn't it?

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